Monday, January 15, 2018

The changes of Broodmother

Broodmother it's always been a very situational hero. In Dota 2 professional scene there was a time when certain teams were automatically banned and a very strong finish. She has destroyed the weak safe lanes, could be a very strong environment and could play the game completely if she was not in the preparatory phase.

7.07 changed the hero significantly, but his role and overall play style remained somewhat similar. As a result of these changes, the hero became less than a niche and as such is punished less, but more consistently. This sequence is a double-edged sword for players in the pub, especially with high MMR: Broodmother has become a bit more popular, and we see it more often.

Broodmother Dota 2

Mid Broodmother
Broodmother is in a better position in the extremes of the MMR series: their high wins in 5k + games, sitting at exactly 50%, while their second place is below 2k. In its present form, it is good to punish weak players as well as in the hands of excellent players.

The hero is also in a better position in the middle band and has a 6% advantage over their favourite role in offline mode, which was their historic position. The loss of invisibility was a big blow for Brodmother's Offlane, as it can no longer pump the economy off track and almost guarantees its safety. At the same time, the flexibility of web placement has helped the hero become agiler and push more than a track.

This statement of the advantage of the hero in the middle of the band: The current style of play allows her to build the most camps in the middle, to gain economic advantage and then become a global threat on the map and not just the hero or two to tie to the alley.

An additional argument in favour of Midlane Broodmother is the popularity of double mid bands. Broodmother threatens only seriously in 1v3 and theoretically should avoid almost all life situations 1v2. Also, the lack of XP in the dual band is large enough that Broodmother can apply a significant 3-4 pressure to the average support of the opponent, either receiving extra kills or changing the match at a time 1v1 where the opponent is at a lower level Has.

Close Games
As she is a tempo hero, she usually wants to close the game relatively early, or concentrate on making room for the allies, and, as mentioned earlier, with a good start she can outdo both.

Control of the map is very important to Broodmother: she must have so much space from the enemy while controling of his jungle for himself as well as his position.

Broodmother is also a flexible hero with a break above the ground, able to move quickly between the lanes. Usually, this means that it is most convenient to destroy at least two sets of enemy outer towers as it simultaneously scans multiple bands, which can cut through waves and slowly lower targets.

The ability to move freely within an enemy base allows it to free or initiate hostile support from high-level strangers to defeat these situations or to make room for their team. This is why Blink Dagger, despite the already high mobility, is a very popular hero: you can blink into hostile territory and have already prepared an evacuation plan.

Blink Dagger Dota 2
Blink Dagger

Final Thought
The game of roles in the game has changed dramatically with 7.07: It is still a niche choice, but the situation, if it is good, much more often. It's easier to deal with it without counterattack, but it requires more attention.

The hero does not dominate the pub scene, but it remains a rare but consistent choice on the professional stage. Trying to do their job usually requires some coordination in the pubs, but if they play a non-solo game, they can be a good hero for learning: they probably will not win most of their games, but certainly a much deeper understanding of the moments offer tape movement and card management concepts because it relies heavily on both.

Friday, October 10, 2014

What is DoTa 2 ?

DoTa 2 Intro

DoTa 2
DOTA 2 is a strategy game in which we must work together with the existing players in the team to bring down the opposing team's headquarters. DOTA 2 is the latest version of DOTA which used to be an integral part of WARCRAFT III. DOTA and DOTA 2 is not much different in terms of HERO (title character or unit in the game which we can control) that we can choose and items that can be purchased. But the DOTA 2 visual display system is much better and easier to purchase the item (to be explained later). For more details, let's look at the difference DOTA and DOTA 2 below:

In DOTA 2, each of us finished playing a game, then we will get a Battle Point (BP). The amount of BP that we get depends on the duration of minutes we play. The longer the game lasts, the more the BP that we get. If BP has reached 1000 points, a level we would go up one level. This level is useful to get rare items (rare) when you finish playing the game. The higher the level that we have, the higher the likelihood that we get the rare item.

In contrast to DOTA, DOTA 2 using the matchmaking system to play in a game. Steam system will automatically search for available servers for us to play. When the system has found a server where we will play, then we will be given the option to accept or decline to play on that server.

Customize Hero

In DOTA 2 we can change the look of the HERO in accordance with our wishes. Ie by changing equip the hero display using existing items. A simple example is that we can change Furion robe worn or owned by Sven sword with the sword or with the way we get to buy it from STORE. This item has no effect on our HERO HERO play besides just look more beautiful and elegant.
DoTa 2 Hero

Item Purchasing System
System purchase items on DOTA 2 is very easy when compared to DotA. We can know what items are recommended for HERO that we use (we can edit their own) as a reference in purchasing the item. And we just need to left click on the recipe items to buy the item. So if we are going to make Power Treads, we do not need to buy it separately Boots, Belt Of Strength and Glove of haste. We just need to buy Power Treads recipe, then the system will automatically purchase items needed, of course, must meet the required gold.

DoTa 2 Items

Keyword Skill
Quick button to access the skill in HERO quite simple on DOTA 2 We just need to remember 4 keywords (in general, there are some heroes that have the keyword 6), namely the Q, W, E and R. Q for quick key skill first, W for quick key skill second, E for the third skill quickly, and R for rapid key skill ultimate hero.

Broadly speaking, from the gameplay, HERO and items that exist in the DotA 2, it is almost the same as DOTA. So for those who are used to playing DOTA certainly will not have any difficulty in playing in DOTA 2.

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